Thursday, January 20, 2011

ATM Disasters

It was the second time I carelessly forgot to takeout my ATM card from the machine. One happened previously was at Mal Kelapa Gading when I was about to withdraw some money to treat my sad best friend. After takingout the money as well as the reciept, and putting them into my purse, I directly left the machine and went straight to a food counter. Having a long chat with my friend, I decided to go home since it was already late. Soon I was aware that my ATM card was not where it's supposed to be - in my black clumsy purse. Quickly I check my balance through SMS, and the money was gone. I was pretty shocked though it was only for a hundred thousand rupiah. I went home upset that I couldn't treat my friend properly.

The second shit just happened this evening. I accompanied by a colleague -
Lia - went to ITC Cempaka Mas to buy a modem. Not long after having a look at some offered modems, I decided to buy an American-branded one (though the seller said that it was actually manufactured and distributed from China). Then I also picked an internet starter pack that I would pay via debit since the cash almost ran out. When I opened my purse (still the black clumsy one), I suddenly awore that I haven't taken out the card from the ATM machine I used near office where I withdrew some rupiahs for buying the modem just about half an hour before.

Panic, I called the bank customer service, but all I heard was the answering machine saying "Sorry, all our customer service officers are on the line. Please wait a moment." I kept checking my balance via SMS, and the money was still at the same amount as I saw from the latest reciept I got. In a rush I (still accompanied by Lia) went back to the ATM machine, hoping that nobody hasn't taken away the card together with the money. On the way back, my friend remembered another colleague - Hadi - that might be still at office. In a second I called him up to ask for help. He would go to the ATM machine, and I still hoped that he could reach it more quickly than I did. Just a minute before I reached the ATM machine, Hadi called me telling a bad news. Arriving at the spot, I found nothing but another card of someone left on the top of the machine. A good guy might found it and might put it there for the owner finding it.

What happened to mine? Somebody must have grabbed it, I thought. I rechecked my balance, but the money was still there. I didn't lose a cent. I called the bank customer service once more. He said the card might be sinked into the machine after seconds not being in use. I hoped so. Still, to protect the money, I blocked the card so that it wouldn't be misused. I would go to the bank branch where the ATM machine "meant to sink my card" be to have the card back, as told by the bank customer service officer.

I went home thinking hardly about what had happened. Why twice? Were they all just shit or it was me who were careless? Or maybe it was me who did wrong? It might be. Tracking back to moments just before this second ATM-disaster happened, I remember that I said a little arrogantly (in a kidding way and without any bad purpose, though) that I still had money when others might run out  it this mid month. I realized that I did do it and it was not good at all. I shouldn't speak or behave arrogantly. Astaghfirullah... May Allah forgive me with all His mercy. Amin.

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