Having a little makeup and followed by a half portion of breakfast, I jumped onto Dad's bike taking me to the large intersection people usually wait for buses. In a moment after I got off the bike, I saw my bus! Oh thanks God! Well, I usually need to wait for about half an hour to get the bus. A little entertainmet was given by the driver by playing some upbeat musics from Lady Gaga, Black Eyed Peas, and some others. Good job, driver!
08:40 I arrived at Binus University at Jl. Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, after a long hectic fuckin traffic jam on the toll road. Anyway, I didn't come to that place to have a lecture, but to work, and to get paid. Yup, I now work for Library and Research Department of Binus University as a Publication Editor.
Today is the second day I come to this elite campus. I dont know how many floors they have, maybe eight. I knew that because I've had an interview at a room on seventh floor, and it seemed there was still a floor above it.
But I know a little about the library, the area where my office is located. It is a very large room with some rooms inside it such as Students lounge, Warehouse, and Editorial's Room. I work in Editorial's Room with 10 or maybe 12 other staff, and there are still several people which are the superior staff in other two small rooms inside.
On my table, I only have some journals on it to read. This room is so "public", no separating boards on the table, no privacy at all. Having no computer yet, I only do Facebook, Twitter, and a little browsing on women's stuff. Thanks to my netbook, you give a little help for me killing the time, hopefully until 5pm later on. Yes, hopefully, because my BB is almost running out battery and damn I didn't bring the charger!